Thursday, October 18, 2012

Weak Bridge Scares Elmina Commuters

The Elmina weak Bridge
THE ELMINA Bridge also known as the Benya Bridge in the Central region has become a deathtrap and residents are now scared to use it.

The bridge which links residents in the area to surrounding communities is dilapidated and looks like it could cave in at any moment.

The rusted bridge which was built in the 1990s to ensure the free flow of tourists and people from the town to the first Portuguese Castle built in the country is fast losing its essence.

It seems the current government and the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem Municipal Assembly are not committed to rehabilitating the bridge which generates revenue for the assembly as it serves as the main link for tourists wishing to visit the Elmina Castle and forts.

Currently, both the foot path and access road for vehicles on the bridge are completely rusted, forcing residents to close the foot path to prevent any unforeseen occurrences.

The residents are now compelled to use the vehicular path which   poses a threat to life since anyone could be knocked down by a car especially during the night.

Information gathered by DAILY GUIDE indicates that recently a resident had his leg trapped in a hole in the bridge and sustained injuries.

The residents have therefore called on President John Mahama to come to their aid and build a new bridge for them since that is the only route to the fishing market.

According to them, although the late President Mills never visited them while in office, he promised to rehabilitate the bridge and hoped the current president would to fulfill that promise.

“If the bridge is not reconstructed as early as possible we will not vote for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) party and the MP,” they stated.

 From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

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