Thursday, October 18, 2012

Unite For Victory 2012 – Jake

NPP National Chairman- Jake O. Lamptey
NATIONAL CHAIRMAN of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey has appealed to regional and constituency executives of the party in the Central region to set aside their differences to allow the party win the December 7 general elections.

He said due to the conflict, disunity and numerous factions that emerged within the party during the run-up to the 2008 elections, the party lost 11 out of a total of 19 parliamentary seats in the region.

The national chairman disclosed this on Monday when he visited the region to interact with NPP constituency and regional regarding measures they had undertaken to ensure a first round victory for the party.

'If it had not been for the misunderstanding and certain conflicts that existed in the constituency and among some regional executives, the NPP would have won the 2008 general elections. But because we were our own enemies, we lost major seats to our opponents. This is unfortunate,' he told them.

'The NPP in 2008 needed more votes from the Central region because most of our governmental policies benefited and transformed the region. Therefore why should we have lost the seats? We need to unite as one family and work hard to bring NPP back to power in 2013,' he added.

Mr. Obetsebi-Lamptey noted that although the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) used their diabolic tactics to describe the NPP as the most corrupt government in the country, Ghanaians had now realized which government was most corrupt in its administration.

He therefore charged the executives to map out strategies to change the perception of the electorate and disseminate the party's 2012 campaign message of providing free senior high school education to all Ghanaian children.

Mr. Obetsebi-Lamptey was accompanied by NPP General Secretary, Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie aka Sir John as well as some national executives.

For his part, Sir John said if the NPP can win the elections; it would depend on the outcome from the Central regional since the region was the route to the party's victory on its 2012 agenda.

He revealed that the NPP lost a considerable number of the votes from the region which gave it a massive victory in 2000 due to the loss of confidence voters had in the party executives.

The general secretary consequently urged the executives to forgive one another and fight for the party's victory since Ghanaians had now realized that the NPP was the only party that could save Ghana and transform their lives.

'If we do not work hard for the party to recapture power, Ghanaians will never forgive us. Everywhere you go you hear people are now yeaning for the NPP to come back. Therefore we need to bury our differences,' he said.
From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

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