Thursday, October 18, 2012

‘Stop Tearing Party Posters’ – ASP Otumi

Mr. Ekow Sarbah adrressing YPM memebers. Insert : C/R Police Commander  
THE CAPE Coast Metropolitan Police Command has sent a warning to residents in Cape Coast and its environs to stop destroying posters belonging to various political parties posted in the metropolis.

Metropolitan Crime Officer, ASP Edward Otumi gave the warning in response to many reports his outfit had received from various political parties that their posters were being destroyed  by unknown people.

He noted that since nobody was above the law, the police would not leave any stone unturned to arrest those culprits. “The police are ever ready to assist any political party to undertake smooth electioneering campaigns,” he added.

ASP Otumi however appealed to the leadership of the various political parties in the metropolis to also advise their supporters to behave themselves when they embark on keep-fit events.

DAILY GUIDE had observed that in the Cape Coast constituency, most of the opposition New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) posters had been torn-off and replaced with that of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), creating a lot of tension in the  area.

In a report in the October 6, 2012 edition of the paper headlined “NPP warns NDC over attacks,’ a pressure group affiliated to the Cape Coast branch of the NPP warned the NDC leadership  in region to advise their supporters to refrain from ripping off the party’s posters.

The Young Patriotic Movement (YPM) had also threatened to stage a massive demonstration against the devilish tactics of the NDC members should their leadership fail to call them to order.

YPM also urged NDC central regional executives to run clean issues-based campaigns devoid of insults just as the NPP was doing.

 From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

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