Monday, October 29, 2012

"Skirt And Blouse Hits KEEA NDC"

Dr. J.S.Annan (seated Left) and Dr. Ato Quashie (seated Right)
Some  electorate from the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) constituency of the Central Region have vowed to vote ‘skirt and blouse’ in the upcoming December 7 general elections.

According to them, the incumbent Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, Dr. Joseph S. Annan, was not a good candidate to contest the seat; therefore they would rather vote for President Mahama and Dr. Ato Quashie, an NDC bigwig in the area contesting as an independent candidate.

DAILY GUIDE observed, after going round the constituency, that posters of Dr. Annan were nowhere to be found, with that of Dr. Quashie and President Mahama splashed in all the communities.

Some electorate who spoke to DAILY GUIDE on condition of anonymity on Tuesday said since they gave the mandate to Dr. Annan in 2008, he had not initiated any developmental projects to transform and better the lives of the people and would therefore reject him in this year’s polls.

Dr. J.S. Annan-K.E.E.A MP
“What has Dr. J.S Annan done for us the people of K.E.E.A and even NDC supporters? He should come out and show us one single development he has embarked on since we voted for him,” they said.

“We rejected NPP for NDC because we thought they (NPP) deceived us especially the fishermen but with Dr. Annan as our MP, it is hell,” they lamented.

They further alleged that since Dr. Annan became MP, there hadn’t been peace amongst the constituency executives; a situation they stated had resulted in Dr. Quashie’s quest to contest as an independent candidate.

The electorates noted that Dr. Quarshie was the best candidate because he could face the NPP aspirant in order not to lose the seat.

Information gathered by DAILY GUIDE indicated that the actions of Dr. Annan had made some NDC gurus in the area to throw their weight behind Dr. Quashie to win the seat.
From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

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