Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Woman Chews Rival’s Ear

Georgina Boahemaa
THERE WAS commotion at Yawhima, a village near Sunyani in the Brong Ahafo Region on Friday night when a married woman, Georgina Boahemaa’s left ear was bitten off by her husband’s mistress.

The incident happened when Georgina went to call her husband to come home and eat.

According to an eyewitness, a brother-in-law of the victim, around 10:30pm Friday night, he heard a woman screaming for help from a nearby house, and when he got there, he met his sister-in-law bleeding from the left ear, with the ear bitten off.

He said the brother, Dickson Brew, Georgina’s husband, was at the scene but refused to talk. He added that he asked Dickson to help him take Georgina to the hospital but Dickson slapped him.

At the hospital, the doctor ordered them to go and bring the torn ear of Georgina but they couldn’t find it since it was late in the night.

Early Saturday morning, they went to the concubine’s house to look for the ears but she had hid the ear and upon pressure from Georgina’s family, she brought it from under a dustbin in her house and gave it to them.

The eyewitness, who gave his name as Joojo, said the sister-in-law went to the house of the concubine to call her husband, as her husband directed her to do after she finished cooking some grass-cutter he gave her to cook for him.

Joojo alleged that the senior brother conspired with the concubine, whose name was not immediately made known, to attack his wife.

It was alleged that during the fight, Georgina also bit the breast of the husband’s mistress.

As at the time of filling this report, the Sunyani Municipal police had taken both women into custody and said they would process them for the court on Monday.

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