Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sack Allotey Jacobs

The Educated Fisherman- Allotey Jacobs
A NATIONAL Democratic Congress (NDC) branch Chairman at Ebubonku, a suburb of Cape Coast, Seth Berikorang, has sent a strong warning to President Atta Mills to sack the Central Regional Director of Communication of the party, Bernard Allotey Jacobs.

According to the Chairman, Allotey was the biggest enemy of President Mills and so the President should not work with such a person who was tarnishing the image of the party.

He alleged that it was people like Allotey who made the founder of the party, Jerry John Rawlings, call some party members in the Mills administration “greedy bastards.”

“Allotey has been able to put up a multibillion cedi mansion, a hotel, and wedded his wife within two years of the Mills administration,” they claimed.

He described the seat of government as a “Holy Seat” and should not be surrounded by unrighteous people like Allotey Jacobs, the Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE) of Cape Coast, Anthony Egyir Aikins, as well as the Member of Parliament for Cape Coast, Ebow Barton Odro, who did not have the party’s interest at heart.

Speaking at a press conference in Cape Coast yesterday, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Concerned NDC Youth, Baba Yusif, alleged that Allotey Jacobs, in 2007, used letter heads of then candidate Mills to solicit funds from contractors to support the 2008 elections but allegedly failed to render accounts.

Yusif further alleged that Allotey had been flirting with the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) and was divulging secrets of the party.

Yusif alleged that Allotey was serving on three boards and was being paid dollars to defend government on radio but was still picking quarrels with the Central Regional Minister, Comfort Ama Benyiwa Doe, for not giving him a particular contract.

“Benyiwa Doe is our Regional Minister so if Allotey has any problem with her, he shouldn’t have gone on air to insult her but rather sit down to thrash out issues,” he said.

The PRO however expressed concern about the way some gurus in the party including Barton Odro, Mr. Aikins, and one Col. Otoo, co-ordinator in charge of the MP’s office, had been maltreating members of the party whenever they went to seek assistance from them.

Yusif expressed disappointment about the way President Mills chose the MCE, adding that since his assumption of office, he had done nothing to uplift the image of the metropolis.

“Aikins sometimes gathers courage to tell party members who go to his office for assistance that he was not appointed to serve NDC foot-soldiers who have toiled for the success of the party.”

The PRO described the utterances of the MCE as distasteful, disgraceful and, therefore, he was unqualified to lead the party.

“All the executives are busily seeking contracts and appointment while the foot-soldiers are hungry,” they stated.

“This menace exhibited by the MP and MCE, if not checked, will undermine the performance of the party which will totally contribute to our defeat in the next general election,” they said.

The angry PRO noted that due to the poor performance of the MCE, the NDC had only 20 seats in the recent district assembly elections while NPP had 24 seats, a situation they claimed posed a threat to the party in the next election.

He said some members of the party had defected to other parties because of the attitude of the leaders.
He alleged that the defectors had been going round telling people that even if the party gave them billions of cedis and other material things, they would never vote for the party.
From Sarah Afful & Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

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