Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Massive Demo Hits Elmina

Nana Ackonu-Elmina Chief Fisherman
FISHERMEN IN Elmina in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) Municipality of the Central Region yesterday organised a massive demonstration against the recent ban on the use of light in fishing by government.

The demonstration, which lasted for almost the whole day, was led by the chief fishermen in the various towns within the municipality who wore red bands to symbolise their disappointment in government.

The demonstrators marched through the principal streets of Elmina wielding placards that read “Atta and NDC bone ben?, “no manoma” and “we are hungry” among others.

They later stormed the KEEA Assembly to make a formal complaint of their displeasure to the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Rev. Mrs. Veronica Nelson, who was not at post.

According to sources close to the Assembly, the MCE ran for her life upon hearing that the demonstrators were heading to her office.

The demonstrators amidst jama songs
Some of the demonstrators told DAILY GUIDE that the use of light in fishing had no dangerous or harmful effects hence the need for government to allow them to use it.

The aggrieved fishermen stated that it was the light method that helped them to harvest a bumper catch. They claimed that the activities of pair trawlers and Saiko boats washed away all the fish stock including the fingerlings.

The fishermen intimated that instead of government banning the activities of the Saiko and pair trawlers, it had rather banned the use of light which is harmless.

“If you want to ban the use of light then ban all canoes and boats that use unlawful equipment to fish, but if you discriminate in the ban then we shall all use the unlawful methods to fish,” they said.

They therefore vowed to reject the NDC and the Member of Parliament (MP) for KEEA who doubles as the Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Joseph S. Annan, in next year’s general elections.

The chief fisherman of Elmina, Nana Akonu, disclosed that about 12 years ago, government sent a research team to the various coastal areas to conduct to determine if the use of light was harmful but, disclosed after the study that it was not harmful to both the fish and the sea.

The Elmina-Takoradi Highway blocked by the demonstrators
He indicated that they were dying from hunger since the ban was imposed and called on government to reconsider its decision.

The demonstrators later took their fury to the Cape Coast-Takoradi Highway and blocked the road with blocks and tree branches, creating heavy vehicular traffic and heavy congestion on the road.

Police reinforcement was later called from the regional headquarters to assist the KEEA police who fired tear gas canisters to disperse the angry demonstrators.
From Sarah Afful & Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

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