Wednesday, July 27, 2011

NDC Foot Soldiers Strike

A CROSS-SECTION of foot-soldiers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Cape Coast in the Central Region on Friday stormed the regional office of DAILY GUIDE to express disappointment with the leaders of the party for neglecting them after they came to power. 

The foot-soldiers, who called themselves ‘Movement for Change’, stated that their leadership, together with the group, mobilized more than a 1000 youth across the country, called ‘Brotherhood for Change’, to solicit for votes that helped the party to win the presidential election in 2008.

According to them, they were sent to various polling stations to act as observers for the party, but were beaten by the then ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) supporters and as a result some of them lost their personal belongings.

In an interview with Daddymus Arthur-Moses, the organizer of ‘Brotherhood for Change’, he noted that the  leadership of the group, led by the national coordinators, Nana Ohene Agyekum, Alfred Mahama, Nii Ashie Moore and Ebenezer Mahama, encouraged them to match the NPP boot for boot, which they did.

According to him, two years down the line after their selfless dedication to the party, they had not been rewarded, hence their resolve to go to the press for the whole country to hear their grievances.

Mr. Arthur-Moses emphatically stated that Vice President John Dramani Mahama was aware of the group’s existence and how they helped the party, adding that the group had gone to the Central Regional Minister, Comfort Ama Benyiwa Doe; the Member of Parliament (MP) for Cape Coast, Ebow Barton-Odro and regional executives of the party, to ask for jobs, but to no avail.

He therefore urged the leaders of the party in the region to, as a matter of urgency, come to their aid and offer them jobs, stressing that if the leaders failed to help them, they would stage a massive demonstration across the country.
Mr. Arthur-Moses added that the demonstration would lead to destruction of properties, among others, if the President and the entire national and regional executives of the party did not come to their aid.

He reminded the leaders that 2012 was just around the corner, warning that they would vote against the NDC if they failed to fulfill the promises made to them.

“We are planning to stage a massive demonstration across the nation to remind our leaders to provide us with jobs to do. If they fail, we shall show them where the power lies in 2012. We fought for the party to win power, now we have been neglected.

They are using the monies for their own business while we remained jobless. Ok,” he said.

Earlier, a group calling itself ‘Friends of Atta Mills’, in the Central Region, had called on President Mills to sack Ama Benyiwa Doe for neglecting the party and developmental projects for the region.

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