Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Elmina Salt Industry Makes Headway

Nana Konduah addressing stakeholders
The Elmina Salt Industry (ESI), a local Ghanaian salt mining company in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) Municipality of the Central region has improved its exports to neighbouring countries.

ESI dissociated itself from Palmbross Salt Company (PSC) in August 1983 since leaders of Elmina wanted to manage the company for the betterment of the people in the area.

Addressing stakeholders of ESI at the Edina Omanhene’s Palace as part of the company’s 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Vice Board Chairman of ESI, Nana Kodwo Eduakwa V disclosed that when he became chairman in 2004, a total debt of GH¢150,000,000 loan which was contracted by the previous board with an accumulated interest of GH¢93,567,253.56 had been paid with the company not owing anybody.

He added that payment of six retired employees which amounted to GH¢37,445.00 as end of their service benefit has also been paid.

Nana Eduakwa noted that irrespective of the climatic conditions that salt producers have faced over the years ESI from January 2004 increased its production of 22,093 maxi bags to 35,595 maxi bags in December 2009 and recorded a decline of 29,940 as at December 2010.

He attributed the fall in production levels in 2010 to the axle load policy initiated by francophone countries, especially Burkina Faso and Niger which he said was their main market.

According to him, the governing board of ESI had to adjust the price of salt to encourage local sales which moved them up from GH¢79,383.40 in 2004 to GH¢210,631.93 in 2010.

In order to boost salt production, Nana Eduakwa hinted that a CP 15 iodine sprayer has been purchased while the World Food Programme has also donated an iodized machine worth USD 30,000 to ESI.

He therefore appealed to residents of Elmina and workers in the salt industry not to accused the Paramount Chief of Elmina, Nana Kodwo Conduah IV and members of the board of  misappropriating the profit of ESI, adding that the Edina Traditional Council obtains only GH¢10 pesewa on every sack which is used to run the affairs of the council.

Nana Eduakwa however charged the workers to work hard to boost the image of the industry, a situation he said will help the company earn more profit.

The Paramount Chief of Edina Traditional Council, Nana Kodwo Conduah IV however thanked the board for the great work.

A new committee was formed to steer the affairs of the industry which included traditional chiefs and other opinion leaders in the area.

The executives elected Nana Kodwo Eduakwa V and Ebow A. Folson as the new Board Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively while Supi Acheampong, Nana Afedu Annan, Supi Gyaapia and Nana Ato were selected to occupy executive positions to support the chairman in all his endeavours.

Nana Conduah therefore charged them to emulate what their predecessors did to project the image of the industry.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

Killer Couple Remanded

Alhaji and wife
A Nigerian couple, Alhaji Rashid Bello and his wife, Fauzia Bello who were arrested on Thursday at Amosima near Moree in the Abura Asebu Kwamankese (AAK) district of the Central Region with human parts, was on Friday remanded into police custody by a Cape Coast Magistrate Court.

The couple shed uncontrollable tears when the magistrate, Kwame Ohemen Mensah remanded them to re-appear on September 22, 2011.

Their plea was not taken by the court.

In an interview with DAILY GUIDE after court proceedings on why the court did not take the plea of the couple, Detective Chief Inspector Samuel Adjei disclosed that it was because the case was fresh. He said the police only wanted the court to be aware that the couple was in their custody for investigations.

Presenting the facts, Chief Inspector Francis Kingsford Ockom said in the early hours of Thursday September 1, 2011, the Cape Coast Metropolitan Crime Officer, ASP Emmanuel Tetteh and his outfit, having carried surveillance in the area following information about a number of illegal activities there, decided to carry out a swoop which led to the arrest of the couple.

He disclosed that the police, upon searching the couple’s house at Amosima, found a big ‘Ghana must go bag’ full of human parts in their private toilet.

The police further searched the washroom and realized that there was a strange stench emanating from the toilet.

Fauzia Bello, upon sensing danger, tried to divert the attention of the police by flashing the toilet but was stopped and a covered bucket full of human parts was retrieved.

Chief Inspector Ockom explained that during interrogation on how they came by the human parts, the two refused to give the police a concrete reason, leading to their arrest.

He indicated that the body of the deceased had since been deposited at the Central Regional Morgue for autopsy, investigation and identification.

When questioned on their nationality by Justice Ohemen Mensah, the two said they were not from Nigeria as they told the police but from the Volta Region.

However, information gathered by DAILY GUIDE revealed that Alhaji Bello’s father is a Nigerian while the mother hails from Togo but was born and raised at Kojokrom near Kpando in the Volta Region.
The wife, Fauzia Bello, also hails from the Northern Region but had lived with the husband in the Volta Region.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

Monday, September 12, 2011

President Mills Promises Mega Dev’t In Cape Coast

President John Atta Mills has once again assured the people of Cape Coast that they will see many developmental projects next year.

According to him, although things were not easy when he assumed office, he was making frantic efforts to ensure that the people of Cape Coast experienced the ‘Better Ghana Agenda’ as he promised them during his 2008 campaign tour.

“I promised to give you any assistance that would help this area to develop since I am from this area and will never allow this area to be destroyed. Please exercise patience with me since I have a lot of good plans for Oguaaman,” he stated.

President Mills made the statement at this year’s Oguaa Fetu Afahye festival celebrated by the chiefs and people of Oguaa Traditional Area, over the weekend at the Jubilee Park in Cape Coast.

The festival, which was on the theme ‘Unity And Peace, A Tool For National Development”, attracted thousands of people drawn from all walks of lives.

President Mills stressed the need for Ghanaians to ensure unity in the country to promote effective development.

He noted that Ghanaians had only one country, hence the need to ensure unity and peace which the country had experienced over the years.

He charged Ghanaians to do the right things at the right time, citing other neighbouring countries who had not experienced peace for years due to post election violence and power sharing.

President Mills emphasised the need for Ghanaians to ensure an incident-free elections in 2012, adding that the electorate had the right to vote on that day and to go home peacefully without creating chaos and mayhem in the country.

He indicated that power was from God and not humans so whoever emerged victorious in the upcoming general elections were the plans destined by God.

He underscored the need for the elderly to inculcate truth and respect in the youth so that they could take up the mantle to manage the affairs of the country in future.

“What legacies are we leaving for our children? Is it our traditions or the importation of foreign cultures and practices which can destroy the future of the youth?” he asked.

The Paramount Chief of Oguaa Traditional Area, Osabarima Kwesi Atta II, commended President Mills for ensuring that the 30% allocation for students in the region into Senior High Schools (SHS) had been implemented.

Osabarima Atta hinted that plans were underway to construct a toilet facility near Anaafo market to boost tourism in the area.

“It’s very appalling when you see some residents defecating in a gutter near the market while tourist will be crossing to the Cape Coast Castle,” he said.

He therefore appealed to President Mills to ensure that proceeds from the castle allocated to the traditional council were paid on time to undertake more developmental projects in the area.

The Central Regional Minister, Comfort Ama Benyiwa Doe, said although her government had the plans of constructing the Cape Coast Sport Stadium, it could not give the exact date as to when the project would commence.

The Member of Parliament for Cape Coast, Ebow Barton-Odro, expressed concern about the way two schools in the metropolis had zero percent in the recent Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), calling on parents to invest in their children’s education.
He added that every nation’s development depended on its youth, hence the need to promote effective education in the country.

DAILY GUIDE observed that this year’s festival was very splendid as compared to the previous year’s, considering its organistaion.

It also noticed that this was the first time the traditional council assigned people to collect monies from individuals in the markets and offices to support the festival.

DAILY GUIDE can authoritatively state that this was also the first time that the traditional council was aiming to construct a toilet facility from the proceeds it would get from the festival.

It will be recalled that last year’s festival was nearly marred when security apparatus prevented the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) from going to greet the Paramount Chief, Osabarima Kwesi Atta, while he was also not recognised, a situation which created a lot of controversy in the country.
From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

Dwarfs License Memorabilia

Friday, September 2, 2011

Galamsey Gang Busted

The 6 busted Galamsey gang as they bow in shame
SIX GALAMSEY operators who decided to mine in the Ochi River at Baifikrom near Mankessim in the Central Region have been arrested by the Central Regional Police Command.

The six, made up of five people from Prestea in the Western Region and Kobla Appiah, 38, from Baifikrom, had Nurudin Salifu as their gang leader.

Nurudin Salifu admitted being the leader of the group and the owner of the pit to be used for the galamsey operations in the town, during police interrogation.

The other suspects included John Addai, 40, December Nyamagbosi, 39, Daniel Nartey, 21 and Narh Anomi, 37.

Briefing DAILY GUIDE on Tuesday, the Central Regional Police Commander, DCOP Stephen Andoh Kwofie, disclosed that the team of galamsey operators were arrested by the Saltpond District Police Command upon a tipoff.

He stated that the Municipal Manager of the Ghana Water Company Limited, Isaac Essilfie, reported to the Saltpond police that some people were planning to illegally mine in the Ochi River, which served as a work station for the company.

According to DCOP Andoh Kwofie, the work station provided water to people in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Saltpond, Mankessim and other surrounding communities.

He hinted that his outfit quickly mounted a search to arrest the perpetuators and got to know during police investigations that the owner of the machine had sought permission from the Chief of Baifikrom, Nana Arhin, to operate there.

He said the police, upon arrival at the galamsey site, realised that the galamsey equipment had already been set up for work but there was no one around.

He added that the police then confiscated the equipment and brought them to the station, after which they mounted a search for the owner of the machines.

DCOP Andoh Kwofie added that the police contacted the chief, who assisted them to arrest the six.

After interrogation, the gang leader and owner of the galamsey equipment, Nurudin Salifu, admitted he had no licence to operate.

The DCOP noted that illegal mining activities were a contributing factor to floods in the Eastern Region, stressing that he would not allow such activities to occur in the Central region.

NDC Aspirant in Hot Waters. Ahwoi Joins Race

Mr. Kwasi Ahwoi
THE CENTRAL Regional Coordinating Council (CRCC) has sent a strong warning to a leading figure in the Agona East constituency of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to stop deceiving the public in an attempt to get their votes.
The CRCC has warned Mrs. Pokuah Sawyer who has declared her intention to contest the Agona East parliamentary seat on the ticket of the NDC to stop her deliberate attempt to lure constituency executives and delegates in the area into voting for her in the party’s upcoming parliamentary primaries.

Kwesi Ahwoi, Minister of Food and Agriculture and brother of Ato Ahwoi, a close confidante of President Mills is also contesting the NDC slot in the constituency having picked up his nominations forms over the weekend.

A press release issued and signed on Thursday by Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the CRCC, Ike Afenyi Donkor for the Central Regional Minister, Ama Benyiwa-Doe, said Mrs. Sawyer had allegedly allowed herself to be influenced by one Alhaji Jabire who doubles as the Chief Imam for Mankrong junction in the Agona East District, to use false information to win the sympathy of delegates in the constituency.

According to the statement, Mrs. Sawyer allegedly claimed to have financed a number of developmental projects in the district to enhance her chances in the primaries even though this was not true.

The PRO mentioned some projects the aspirant claimed to have financed as the provision of a dormitory block for the Agona Kwanyako and Awutu Obrachire Secondary Technical schools as well as financing a six-unit classroom block, an office, store and market toilet facility for the Mankrong junction Islamic Junior High School (JHS).

Mr. Afenyi Donkor alleged that all projects claimed to have been financed by Mrs. Sawyer were false adding that they were provided and funded by the Ghana Education Trust Fund (GET Fund) and the Government of Ghana (GOG).

“Nobody has personally or privately financed the said projects claimed by Alhaji Jabire and Mrs. Sawyer. Let me put on record that all those projects were financed by GETFUND and the GOG. Therefore no one can use them for political persuasions.”

Mr. Donkor apologized to the general public especially people  in the Agona East district for the inconvenience created by the inactions of Alhaji Jabire and Mrs. Sawyer, adding that, delegates and constituency members should not take them seriously.

Mr. Afenyi Donkor also called on the media to also seek clarifications from the appropriate quarters before putting out information for public consumption in order not to create any unfortunate situations.

Meanwhile, Kwesi Ahwoi, Minister of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) has picked nomination forms to contest the NDC”s Agona East parliamentary primaries.

The Minister, whose forms were picked up on his behalf, would contest the seat together with three other aspirants.

Speaking to the press on Saturday at Mankrong, his hometown, Mr. Ahwoi explained reasons why he had chosen to contest the parliamentary primaries with the other contestants.

According to him, he holds a cabinet position in the government and could easily bring development to the constituency.

He said with his background as minister and member of NDC, if given the nod during the primaries and elected as MP, he could articulate his views on the floor of Parliament.

The minister said President Mills had confidence in someone that would assist the party to get more parliamentary seats and also win the presidential election in 2012.
Mr. Ahwoi said with his position in the government, he could influence both local and foreign investors to come and invest in the constituency to create jobs and wealth for the people.

He said: “The Ahwoi brothers have the development of Agonaman at heart,” adding that since the New Patriotic Party (NPP) took over the parliamentary seat eight years ago, no meaningful development had been seen into the constituency.

Paapa Zabairu, Campaign Manager for Mr. Ahwoi, said the constituency had suffered a lot and asked the delegates to vote for the minister.

He said the acceptance of Mr. Ahwoi to contest the primaries was timely and urged members of the party to rally support for the minister to lead the party to victory.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

Dwarfs License Memorabilia

The Chief Patron urshering i the newly elected National Executives 

THE NEWLY elected Chairman of the Supporters Union of Cape Coast Mysterious Ebusua Dwarfs, Amos Assifuah has promised to ensure that all persons who sell the team’s paraphernalia are duly licensed to generate more income for the football team.

According to him, Ebusua Dwarfs needed more capital to finance its administrative processes for the team to continue to stay in Ghana’s Premier League, adding that when such an action was taken, the team would be able to perform better than they did last season.

Mr. Assifuah noted that the licensing of paraphernalia in other parts of the world had made teams such as Chelsea and Manchester United Football clubs gain additional income to purchase high profile players to strengthen their teams.

He therefore hoped that by the end of his tenure of office, Ebusua Dwarfs would have accumulated huge sums of money which would be used to run the affairs of the team in the years ahead.

The occasion, which attracted 14 gardens (supporters unions), was also used to launch the team’s constitution as well as honour Nana Brew Butler and Nana Edu, past executives who chalked successes for the football club.

Addressing the gathering, the Chief Patron of the club, James Yaw Ennin said it was about time the affairs of the team was left in the hands of competent, young and energetic persons.

The Central Regional Minister, Madam Comfort Ama Benyiwa Doe promised government’s commitment to support the team.
 From Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

AIDS Is Threat To Dev’t- GHS

Dr. Awuku briefing the press
A PHYSICIAN Specialist and member of the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP), Dr. Yaw Asante Awuku says HIV/AIDS has been identified by the Ghana Health Service (GHS) as a serious threat to national development.

He said most of the youth who are our future leaders are unfortunately being infected with HIV/AIDS daily due to reckless lifestyles.

He disclosed that as at 2010, GHS and NACP recorded 221,941 persons who tested positive for HIV/AIDS with 95,206 being males and 126,735 females.

Dr. Asante disclosed this on Thursday when he made a presentation on the ‘Overview of HIV and AIDS in Ghana: Current Situation, Projections and Interventions’ to the media in Cape Coast.

He said that same year, the adult national HIV prevalence rate reached 1.5% with total annual AIDS deaths of 16,320 including 2,581 children.

Dr. Awuku said currently, a total of 12,890 new HIV cases have so far been recorded for adults and children, a situation he indicated calls for a greater concern from stakeholders and government to support the cause of reducing the HIV/AIDS rate in Ghana.

He noted that the disease is increasingly becoming pandemic in urban areas more than rural areas, adding that in 2010, the urban sector recorded 2.6% with 1.6% for the rural areas.

He said the GHS hopes to get 1,315,917 people to get tested for   HIV, saying when people see the need to get tested regularly Ghana will make a headway in AIDS prevention by 2015.

Presentation the facts, Dr. Asante Awuku said HIV prevalence among antenatal clients in 2010 decreased from 2.9% in 2009 to 2.0% in 2010 representing a 31% decrease and hoped the trend would continue.

He indicated that his outfit has changed its policy of counseling and testing to testing and counseling as well as speeding up work on the virtual elimination of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and the management of Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI).

He added that although most blood collected by the GHS is infected with diseases particularly syphilis, the GHS would ensure blood safety transmission, infection prevention and enforce the usage of condoms to curb the situation.

Dr. Asante Awuku therefore appealed to Ghanaians to get tested for HIV and advised HIV/AIDS patients to take the antiretroviral drugs prescribed to them by doctors to help increase their life span.

He noted that improvement in data management and information generation would also be a guide to knowing the number of infected patients and patients under drug treatment.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

Friday, August 5, 2011

NYEP Is Collapsing

Joseph Kwesi Holison, the National Director in charge of Monitoring and Evaluation at the National Youth and Employment Programme (NYEP) has emphatically stated that the NYEP will collapse if a legislative instrument is not set up to sustain it.

According to him, no person can take government to court if it decides to abrogate the programme since it is not backed by any legislative instrument.

He noted that the cancellation of the programme will render the youth jobless which will lead to an increase in the unemployment rate in the country.

“These are our heroes and if we do not honour them with training skills but throw them away then we are doing harm to our nation and the youth. Therefore we should be careful,” he stated.

Mr. Holison made this known at a press briefing on Monday organized by the Central Regional Office of NYEP to enlighten the media on the activities of the programme in Cape Coast.

He hinted that since the introduction of the programme by former President John Agyekum Kufuor, it has been operated  under an administrative system known as the Presidential Fiat whereby the President controls all activities of the programme, a situation he said poses threat to the future of the programme.

In an interview with DAILY GUIDE, Mr. Holison disclosed that NYEP came into existence when the National Security, based upon a research it conducted, advised President Kufuor to explore strategies to curb the unemployment situation.

He stated that the national office of NYEP has drafted a bill which is yet to be sent to cabinet and Parliament to be debated and accepted as a legal instrument to back the programme.

Mr. Holison therefore called on government and stakeholders to ensure that a legal instrument is provided to safeguard the programme which has provided most beneficiaries the needed job experience.

Addressing the gathering, the Central Regional Director of NYEP, Nana Osebi Quansah said since he took over in 2009 he has employed 8,584 beneficiaries, representing 22.5 per cent while the National office has also employed about 110,000 as at 2011.

He added that due to the effectiveness of the NYEP modules, President John Atta Mills, together with the NYEP executives, have introduced some modules which include Information Communications Technology (ICT), Youth in Mining, Road Maintenance, Hair Dressing and Dress making to make it attractive to the youth.

Nana Quansah urged the youth not to undermine the programme since it was introduced to give them the requisite skills after school.

Commenting on extortion, which is said to have bedeviled the programme, Nana Quansah said there is no way district and municipal coordinators can deduct the allowances of beneficiaries or demand monies before appointing applicants since appointment and payments are done in Accra through the Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) to the various rural banks.

He added that the allowances of beneficiaries for March and April are ready and will soon be released, adding that his outfit will pay all arrears by the end of August.

He therefore advised beneficiaries to come to his office and report any coordinator, who extort monies from them since there are rules that govern the programme.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

ISABT Inspects Projects

The Institute of Art and Business Technology (ISABT) in the US has inspected educational facilities that it donated various items to in the Central region last year to see whether they are being used for their intended purpose.

Some schools inspected in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) municipality included Edinaman Senior High School   and the Elmina Methodist A and B junior high schools which have been adopted by ISBAT and provided with literature books by African and international authors as well as computers.

In an interview with DAILY GUIDE after the inspection, the Director in charge of Electronic Books (e-books), Jonathan Tourzan expressed satisfaction about the way the students have made great use of the books his outfit donated to them.

The objective of ISABT is to improve reading and writing skills in some selected African countries including Ghana.

Clubs and societies have been formed at the beneficiary schools where students are taught how to write their own stories which are published on the organization’s website so that other foreign students would have access to them.

“The core value of ISABT is to support schools in Ghana and other African countries to meet the western educational standard where opportunities are provided to these students to relate and tap their colleagues’ knowledge from other parts of the world,” he added.

According to him, this year his outfit will award scholarships to cater for students in junior and senior high schools who would pass the Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE) with aggregates between 6 and 12 and the West African Senior Secondary Examinations Certificate (WASSEC).

Mr. Tourzan explained that the scholarship will include full payment of the selected students’ educational expenses from the senior high school through university and called on students to take full advantage of the opportunities offered them.

He noted that through this initiative the NGO had adopted two poor but brilliant students and is paying their school fees.

He also lauded Ghana’s first President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah for his wise intent to provide free education in the country which benefited most of Ghana’s current leaders.

Mr. Tourzan reiterated his appeal to the students to take the opportunity ISABT has granted them to study hard and pass their examinations. ISABT he said would give first priority to its club members with regards to the awarding of scholarships, he added.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

Ghana’s Human Resource Stinks

AN INTERNATIONALLY acclaimed educational reformer who contributed immensely to Ghana’s educational reforms, Prof. Jophius Anamuah Mensah says the country’s human resource base is incapacitated and needs urgent restructuring to fit into the 21st Century.

He said the situation must be critically assessed because a strong workforce is the backbone of any country’s development.

“For every serious country to develop, the most important factor that needs to be considered is how to develop its human resource base,” he said.

Prof. Mensah made this known recently when the Accountancy Department of Cape Coast Polytechnic (C-Poly) held a dinner dance for students who have completed their three year accountancy course.

The occasion which was themed, “The role of HND Accountancy Graduates in Ghana’s Economy” attracted more than 200 graduates from the department.

In his address, Prof. Mensah said “Singapore, the US, UK and some African countries have developed their human resource base because they know that is the only way to have an economic boom. Why can’t we learn from them? We have all the necessary resources but we are still considered poor, why? We need to tap the knowledge of developed countries to help reshape our economy.”

The education reformer noted that Ghana’s 11 percent achievement in human resource development in comparison with the 80 per cent in developed countries is a national shame, adding that government ought to do more to eliminate the widespread poverty that is killing so many Ghanaians.

He therefore advised the graduates to implement whatever they had been taught in class and make use of all job opportunities that may come their way instead of waiting for white collar jobs.

On his part, a former lecturer of the National University of Lesotho and Chairman of the event, Haruna Ndebugri, charged the authorities of C-Poly to teach 21st Century graduates how to create their own jobs in order to prevent them from chasing white collar jobs saying there are presently very few jobs available for the millions of graduates who complete their tertiary education annually.

“If we do not teach these graduates how to write standardized proposals, business plans, sponsorship letters among others for them to create their own jobs, then we have done a useless job and caused great harm to our motherland,” he added.

Mr. Ndebugri therefore urged the authorities to establish a business incubating system which will enable students come out with business plans and ideas on how to make those plans a reality which can be assessed critically by their lecturers before they leave school.
From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

STRAIGHT TALK: MTN Supports Edina Bakatue

STRAIGHT TALK: MTN Supports Edina Bakatue: "MTN, one of the leading telecommunication companies operating in the country, as part of its corporate social responsibility, has presented..."

MTN Supports Edina Bakatue

MTN, one of the leading telecommunication companies operating in the country, as part of its corporate social responsibility, has presented a cheque of GH¢5,000, MTN souvenirs and recharge cards worth GH¢1,000 to the Edina Traditional Council in Elmina to facilitate the celebration of this year’s Edina Bakatue by the chiefs and people of the area.

The items, which were donated on Tuesday at the Edinamanhen’s palace, included assorted drinks, hampers, MTN souvenirs, MTN Vuvuzelers and T-shirts.

Presenting the items, the Central and Western Regional Senior Manager of MTN, Samuel Appiah stated that the donation will strengthen the extant relationship between the Edina Traditional Council and MTN.

According to the Regional Manager, MTN, a multinational African company, is aware of the fact that the Edina Bakatue festival, which is slated for the first Tuesday of July, this year, is one of the most popular traditional festivals celebrated in the country.

The festival, he noted, attracts people from all walks of life, adding that it is also a moment to remember past heroes and leaders who fought for the success of Edinaman.

The Regional Manager therefore appealed to the traditional council to help disseminate information on SIM card registration to members of their communities, adding, MTN has made provisions to register the SIM cards of all chiefs in their palaces.

Mr. Appiah revealed that MTN will support activities lined up for the festival such as the grand durbar of chiefs on Tuesday and Saturday, regatta, community football gala and chill zone.

Commenting on the recent announcement by the National Communications Authority (NCA) to end SIM card registration by 30 June without any extension.

Mr. Appiah appealed to the traditional council to support the initiative by informing the people about the need to register their SIM cards, adding that anyone who fails to register his SIM card, will lose the card and all services the company has to offer.

Receiving the items, the Paramount Chief of Edina Traditional Area, Nana Kodwo Conduah VI lauded MTN for the kind gesture and expressed the hope that the donation will go a long way to ensure the success of this year’s Edina 2011 Bakatue Festival.

He however appealed to MTN to extend its initiative of building classroom blocks in communities across the nation to boost education to the area, adding that Elmina has produced great scholars for the nation but cannot perform well in examinations currently though the teachers are doing their best.

Nana Conduah VI therefore called on stakeholders, individuals and benevolent organizations to support the festival to become a memorable one.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

As NPP Youth Praise Him

Ex, Prez. J.A. Kufuor
THE CENTRAL Regional Youth Wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has extended has congratulated former President John Agyekum Kufuor, for receiving a joint award for the World Food Prize at a ceremony in the US.

The World Food Prize was instituted to honour global leaders who have helped to alleviate hunger in their respective countries.

A congratulatory message signed by the Central Regional Youth Organiser of the party, Francis Ejaku Donkor, described the former president as Ghana’s backbone.
According to him, Mr. Kufuor was the only President who had the courage to declare the nation a Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) which helped Ghana to gain massive assistance to improve its poor economic situation.

Mr. Donkor said it was during the former President’s tenure that Ghana recorded the biggest harvest of cocoa in the country’s history.

It added that it was also during the tenure of ex-President Kufuor that hunger was reduced to a minimal level with a number of people living on one dollar per a day.

The statement further congratulated Mr. Kufuor for his enormous contributions to ensure that NPP wins the 2012 general election.

He therefore appealed to party executives to foster unity and rally behind the party’s flagbearer, Nana Akufo-Addo to become the next President of Ghana in 2012.

The statement expressed the hope that 2012 will be a victorious year for the party.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

STRAIGHT TALK: Castle Boy Nabbed

STRAIGHT TALK: Castle Boy Nabbed: "George Asante dodging the camera of Daily Guide THE CENTRAL Regional Police Command, in the early hours of Wednesday, arrested a 29-year..."

Castle Boy Nabbed

George Asante dodging the camera of Daily Guide
THE CENTRAL Regional Police Command, in the early hours of Wednesday, arrested a 29-year-old mining consultant, George Asante, who posed as a personnel from the office of the President.

Asante posed as a national security officer at the Castle in order to get information on current activities going on at the Cape Coast Nurses and Midwifery Training College (NMTC).

Lack however eluded him as he was arrested by the police.

DAILY GUIDE gathered that authorities of NMTC were allegedly charging exorbitant fees, and as result some of the students were threatening to go on demonstration to register their displeasure.

The paper gathered that the decision to charge high fees was not from the Ministry of Health (MOH), which is affiliated to the school, but from the school authorities, who allegedly wanted to drain the students financially.

Information gathered by the paper indicates that Asante posed as a Castle boy to get more information on the issue since his relative was a student in the school.

He was however arrested when he failed to show an ID card indicating that he was a national security operative, when he was asked to do so.

As at the time of filing this report, Mr. Asante had been charged for impersonation and had been arraigned before a Cape Coast Circuit Court for prosecution.

At a press briefing in Cape Coast on Wednesday, after his arrest, the Regional Crime Officer, Superintendent Osei Owusu, disclosed that Mr. Asante was nabbed after his outfit received information from authorities of NMTC that a man who claimed to be from the National Security Office had come to the college to seek information from them.

According to the crime officer, Mr. Asante alleged that he did his National Service at the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Alex Segbefia, a year ago.

The Principal of NMTC, Cecilia Mensah, upon suspicion, demanded the Identity (ID) card of Mr. Asante but he failed to produce one, a situation which compelled her to call the police to arrest him.

Spt. Owusu hinted that after thorough police interrogations, Mr. Asante admitted that he was not a staff of the Castle, but posed as one so he could investigate why the principal of NMTC had withheld the certificate of past students.

Supt. Owusu therefore commended the college authorities for following their intuition and alerting the police.

In an interview with Mrs. Mensah, the Principal of NMTC, she said Mr. Asante had called her about two weeks ago and informed her of coming to the college to get first hand information on allegations of extortion of fees and refusal of the school to hand over students’ certificates.

According to her, the suspect said he had the permission of the National Security boss, Larry Gbevlo-Lartey, to carry out the investigation and give him feedback.

She added that because Mr. Asante called to inform them that he would come to the school, the authorities organised a board meeting, which would have included him but unfortunately he did not turn up on the day the meeting was scheduled.

Mrs. Mensah disclosed that Mr. Asante arrived later on Wednesday, but because she was very busy she asked a teacher to see to him, explaining that it was there that it was detected that he was not from the Castle, as he claimed.

She hinted that upon suspicion she informed the board chairman of the college of Asante’s intentions and they called the Castle and the National Security Officers to verify Asante’s identity, but they denied knowing him.

Castle Boy Nabbed

THE CENTRAL Regional Police Command, in the early hours of Wednesday, arrested a 29-year-old mining consultant, George Asante, who posed as a personnel from the office of the President.
Asante posed as a national security officer at the Castle in order to get information on current activities going on at the Cape Coast Nurses and Midwifery Training College (NMTC).
Lack however eluded him as he was arrested by the police.
DAILY GUIDE gathered that authorities of NMTC were allegedly charging exorbitant fees, and as result some of the students were threatening to go on demonstration to register their displeasure.
The paper gathered that the decision to charge high fees was not from the Ministry of Health (MOH), which is affiliated to the school, but from the school authorities, who allegedly wanted to drain the students financially.
Information gathered by the paper indicates that Asante posed as a Castle boy to get more information on the issue since his relative was a student in the school.
He was however arrested when he failed to show an ID card indicating that he was a national security operative, when he was asked to do so.
As at the time of filing this report, Mr. Asante had been charged for impersonation and had been arraigned before a Cape Coast Circuit Court for prosecution.
At a press briefing in Cape Coast on Wednesday, after his arrest, the Regional Crime Officer, Superintendent Osei Owusu, disclosed that Mr. Asante was nabbed after his outfit received information from authorities of NMTC that a man who claimed to be from the National Security Office had come to the college to seek information from them.
According to the crime officer, Mr. Asante alleged that he did his National Service at the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Alex Segbefia, a year ago.
The Principal of NMTC, Cecilia Mensah, upon suspicion, demanded the Identity (ID) card of Mr. Asante but he failed to produce one, a situation which compelled her to call the police to arrest him.
Spt. Owusu hinted that after thorough police interrogations, Mr. Asante admitted that he was not a staff of the Castle, but posed as one so he could investigate why the principal of NMTC had withheld the certificate of past students.
Supt. Owusu therefore commended the college authorities for following their intuition and alerting the police.
In an interview with Mrs. Mensah, the Principal of NMTC, she said Mr. Asante had called her about two weeks ago and informed her of coming to the college to get first hand information on allegations of extortion of fees and refusal of the school to hand over students’ certificates.
According to her, the suspect said he had the permission of the National Security boss, Larry Gbevlo-Lartey, to carry out the investigation and give him feedback.
She added that because Mr. Asante called to inform them that he would come to the school, the authorities organised a board meeting, which would have included him but unfortunately he did not turn up on the day the meeting was scheduled.
Mrs. Mensah disclosed that Mr. Asante arrived later on Wednesday, but because she was very busy she asked a teacher to see to him, explaining that it was there that it was detected that he was not from the Castle, as he claimed.
She hinted that upon suspicion she informed the board chairman of the college of Asante’s intentions and they called the Castle and the National Security Officers to verify Asante’s identity, but they denied knowing him.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Catholic Church Frowns at Homosexuality

Bishop Nketsia
THE ARCHBISHOP of Cape Coast, Most Rev. Bishop Mathias K. Nketsiah has said the Roman Catholic Church is against the homosexuality trend that is currently on the rise in Ghana.

He said it is a shameful practice that should not be entertained in the country.

Both the Catholic and Anglican churches do not allow members of their congregation to follow such practices saying if any member gets involved in homosexuality, that person does it on his/her own accord and not because the church approves of it, he noted.

The Archbishop said the Catholic Church will forever reign as the first church to be established in the country and that it would always speak out against homosexuality.

Most Rev. Nketsiah made this known on Sunday at a Thanksgiving ceremony to climax his two-day official visit to the Franciscan Pastoral Area under the St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Elmina in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) Municipality of the Central region.

His statement also comes in reaction to questions and accusations leveled against the Catholic Church for ostensibly having embraced the practice of homosexuality in the church.

Addressing the congregation, Most Rev. Nketsiah expressed worry over how such disgusting practices have quickly gained root in Ghana with the youth who have the ability to champion   national development at the centre of the controversy.

He noted that such practices were among the shameful activities that made God to destroy Biblical Sodom and Gomorra with fire adding that Ghana will bow her head in shame, if measures are not taken to stop it.

The Archbishop also called on government and the relevant authorities to arrest and ensure strict prosecution against homosexuals to serve as deterrent to others.

Preaching the gospel, Most Rev. Nketsiah called on the entire congregation to promote unity and tranquility in their deliberations, which he believes is the only way to help the Catholic Church develop.

He was worried that some church members especially those involved in its administration were not united saying unity would help them come up with strategies for the development and prosperity of the church.

In order to instill peace in the Catholic Church, Most Rev. Nketsiah appealed to catholic youth to form unity clubs that will promote peace in the church rather than engaging in activities that fail to promote peace and unity.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

Catholic Church Frowns at Homosexuality

Catholic Church Frowns at Homosexuality

THE ARCHBISHOP of Cape Coast, Most Rev. Bishop Mathias K. Nketsiah has said the Roman Catholic Church is against the homosexuality trend that is currently on the rise in Ghana.
He said it is a shameful practice that should not be entertained in the country.

Both the Catholic and Anglican churches do not allow members of their congregation to follow such practices saying if any member gets involved in homosexuality, that person does it on his/her own accord and not because the church approves of it, he noted.

The Archbishop said the Catholic Church will forever reign as the first church to be established in the country and that it would always speak out against homosexuality.

Most Rev. Nketsiah made this known on Sunday at a Thanksgiving ceremony to climax his two-day official visit to the Franciscan Pastoral Area under the St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Elmina in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) Municipality of the Central region.

His statement also comes in reaction to questions and accusations leveled against the Catholic Church for ostensibly having embraced the practice of homosexuality in the church.

Addressing the congregation, Most Rev. Nketsiah expressed worry over how such disgusting practices have quickly gained root in Ghana with the youth who have the ability to champion   national development at the centre of the controversy.

He noted that such practices were among the shameful activities that made God to destroy Biblical Sodom and Gomorra with fire adding that Ghana will bow her head in shame, if measures are not taken to stop it.

The Archbishop also called on government and the relevant authorities to arrest and ensure strict prosecution against homosexuals to serve as deterrent to others.

Preaching the gospel, Most Rev. Nketsiah called on the entire congregation to promote unity and tranquility in their deliberations, which he believes is the only way to help the Catholic Church develop.

He was worried that some church members especially those involved in its administration were not united saying unity would help them come up with strategies for the development and prosperity of the church.

In order to instill peace in the Catholic Church, Most Rev. Nketsiah appealed to catholic youth to form unity clubs that will promote peace in the church rather than engaging in activities that fail to promote peace and unity.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

GPRTU Boss Blames Drivers For Accidents

GPRTU Boss with a pick-aze
THE NATIONAL Chairman of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), Alhaji Yaw Manu has disclosed that nearly 95 percent of the drivers who ply our roads are the main cause of accidents in the country.

He explained that most drivers do not observe road signs placed at strategic points along the roads to reduce over-speeding and accidents adding that driving under the influence of alcohol and certain drugs such as snuffs had also contributed to the increasing number of road accidents in recent years.

Alhaji Manu made this known on Wednesday when the Central Regional branch of GPRTU cut a sod for the construction of a three-storey guest house to facilitate activities of the union.

The sod cutting ceremony attracted GPRTU branch executives operating in the region.

The guest house which will cost GH¢230,000 to build is expected to raise additional capital to support the regional union’s activities.

In his address, Alhaji Manu said the GPRTU had met with the National Security Council (NSC) after which a statement was issued for drivers to paste a new yellow reflector introduced by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) on their vehicles to help oncoming vehicles detect faulty cars on the road.

In order to curb drunk driving, he said the union had placed a breathalyzer machine at various lorry stations while station masters have also been authorized to check the tyres and other vital parts of all vehicles before they leave the stations.

Alhaji Manu said though the GPRTU task force has been replaced by assembly and police task forces, the union is discussing with the NSC about re-introducing the GPRTU task force to help reduce accidents.

The GPRTU chairman called on all branch executives to remain calm and wait patiently for the upcoming regional election slated for July 9 adding that, all the necessary arrangements have been made to ensure free and fair executive elections at Twifo-Praso in the Central region.

On his part, the Central Regional GPRTU Chairman, Kwame Kumah appealed to all branch executives to ensure that the breathalyzer machines are used for their intended purpose.

He said the machines would help detect and sanction drivers who do not conform to rules and regulations of the union.

He further appealed to the drivers to cooperate with the various branch executives when the breathalyzer machines come into operation.

Elmina Chief Mad At KEEA Assembly

The Chief of Edina Essaman, who doubles as Gyasehene for the Edina Traditional Council in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo Abrem (KEEA) Municipality of the Central region, Nana Kwesi Tandoh IV has sternly warned the KEEA Assembly to immediately remove all filth and desists from dumping human excreta in the area.

According to the chief, the practice is making life unbearable for people, who live around the dumping site, especially students of Essaman United Primary and Junior High School, a situation he said was affecting students and teachers due to the stench that emanates from the site, which is about 120 meters from the school.

Nana Kwesi Tandoh has therefore slapped the assembly with a GH¢15,000 to cover 16 years of use of the land which ended March 2006.

He has also given them a month to carry out his order or else he will take the necessary action against the assembly for failing to honour their promise to them.

At a press conference held by Nana Tandoh IV on Wednesday on the issue, he disclosed that an agreement, which followed the acceptance of the site, has not yielded any profitable result but created numerous problems for the community.

He indicated that the continuous dumping of refuse in the area without any treatment resulted in Cholera outbreak which affected many people and claimed lives.

In his address, the Gyasehene noted that since 1992 when he together with the council devoted 16.32 acres of land to the assembly as part of measures to solve sanitation problems, the assembly has not kept its promise of managing the waste effectively.

This, he said, has resulted in the outbreak of diseases in the area from time to time.

He indicated that a promise made to them that a recycling factory will be built in the area should they give out their land has not been fulfilled, as the company has been established at Aburansa, a community which refused to offer its land to government to use as dumping site.

“What is good for the goose is naturally also good for the gander. If today, Aburansa is good for a Plastic Recycling Plant and do not find that as an abomination, then we believe all the waste on our land should also be dumped at Aburansa along with the Recycling Plant. We assure KEEA that if it decides to maintain its position to relocate the Recycling Plant, we shall spare no stone unturned. We will fight for our rights,” he stated.

Nana Tandoh IV however called on the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) to clear his name as to whether he is a shareholder in the Recycling Plant, adding that some chiefs and people accused him of being a shareholder and had refused to fight for the rights of his people in addressing the problem.

2 Killed In Fresh Cholera Outbreak

THE MOREE Health Center in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese (AAK) District of the Central region has recorded 66 fresh cases of cholera with two deaths.

Barely three months ago, DAILY GUIDE reported that the Central Regional Health Directorate had recorded 555 cases of cholera and 21 deaths since the beginning of the outbreak.

John K. Essel, the Technical Officer in charge of Disease Control at Moree told the paper in an interview Friday that the pandemic started during the latter part of June when two cases were recorded but has since increased to 66.

He added that his outfit is still recording more cases and by the time DAILY GUIDE was leaving the hospital, a nuclear family of three which included a one year old boy was said to have been admitted there for treatment against cholera.

Communities in the area affected by cholera include Alata, Nkum, Bentsir, Kuwait, Essarmu, Apeowsika, Akonoma, Amosima and its surrounding areas.

Giving the breakdown, Mr. Essel said seven children under the age of five, 53 people above the age five and one pregnant woman had been infected by cholera.

He said his outfit has outlined strategies to trace and eradicate the disease totally from the area and region in general.

During an interaction at Moree Alata, a community which has recorded 39 cases of cholera representing the highest in the district since the recent outbreak, Mr. Essel called on affected residents to report immediately to the nearest health centre for treatment since cholera treatment is free.

He said more people could die within three hours of infection if left unattended to because of the alarming rate at which the disease is spreading.

In an interview with the Central Regional Programmes Coordinator of Better Ghana Management Services Limited (BGMSL), Ivy Naa Deedei Thompson, she expressed frustration over the difficulties that her outfit which is partnering the Ghana Health Service (GHS) is facing in its efforts to control the pandemic.

She attributed the problem to the bad attitudes of people living in the community who have refused to heed the numerous educational campaigns that BGMSL has carried out in the region about cholera prevention.

The company together with the GHS, chiefs and people of Moree will carry out a massive clean-up exercise in the Moree community.

Ms. Thompson said this would help curb the pandemic along coastal areas in the region.

Residents would be taught about the need to wash their hands before and after eating and keeping their surroundings clean.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Moree

2011 Panafest Launched

Ghana's Deputy Tourism Minister
A COLOURFUL ceremony was on Wednesday held in Elmina in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) Municipality of the Central Region to officially launch the 2011 Pan-African Historical Theatre Festival (PANAFEST) scheduled to take off from July 22 to July 31 this year.

This year, the event, under the theme ‘Re-uniting the African Family, Challenges and Prospects’, is aimed at attracting thousands of expatriates from across the globe to partake in the historical festival.

PANAFEST also aims at providing a forum to promote unity between Africans on the continent and in the Diaspora, encourage regular reviews of African people in the world, and define the contributions to world civilization as well as mobilize consensus for the formulation and implementation of potential alternative options for national development

Addressing the ceremony, the Chairman of the PANAFEST Foundation, Dr. Bin Abdullah, hinted that though PANAFEST and Emancipation Day celebrations were memorable days that reminded Africans about the hell their forefathers passed through, they were faced with many challenges which were gradually collapsing the occasion.

According to him, prices of air line tickets had risen so high that foreigners had declined to partake in the PANAFEST festival since they could no longer buy tickets alone for $2,400 to $2,800, before thinking of where they would sleep and the food they would eat.

Dr. Abdullah disclosed that the government of Trinidad and Tobago had promised to send a delegation of 200 to participate in the celebration of PANAFEST, but due to the high cost of air tickets, the country’s government had reduced the number.

The Deputy Minister of Tourism, James Agyenim Boateng, who doubled as the guest speaker for the launch, assured the PANAFEST committee of government’s commitment to support the celebration to make it a memorable one.

He noted that PANAFEST and Emancipation Day were some of the major occasions that helped boost the nation’s economy since they brought into the country investors from different parts of the world.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

Baby Thief Jailed

JAILED! Aba Kukua
THE ELMINA Magistrate Court in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) Municipality of the Central Region yesterday sentenced a 28-year-old Kumasi based trader, Aba Kukua, to eight months’ imprisonment in hard labour for stealing a four-month-old baby girl. 

Her plea of not guilty with an explanation was not taken by the court and was subsequently slapped with the sentence.

The court presided over by Stephen Tabrri convicted Kukua under Section 93, Act 29(6) of the Criminal Code and ordered that the baby be given back to her mother.

Presenting the facts, Detective Chief Inspector Eugene Nyavor said Aba Kukua was nabbed on July 16, 2011 by the chief of Atonkwa, a suburb of Elmina and brought to the Elmina Police where she was interrogated on the baby theft.

According to him, Kukua tried to convince the baby’s mother, Amina Abiba and her relatives who live at Atonkwa to allow Amina and her baby to go with her to Kumasi where she would introduce her into trading to enable her to cater for herself and the baby but the family disagreed.

Inspector Nyavor said on July 13, Kukua secretly took Abiba and the child to Mankessim with the intention of sending them to Kumasi without the consent of Amina’s family.

He said upon reaching the Mankessim Lorry Park, Abiba went to pass water and left the child in the care of Kukua but when she returned, she could not locate the whereabouts of her four-month-old baby and Kukua.
This compelled Abiba to lodge a complaint at the Mankessim Police Station.

Inspector Nyavor added that relatives and friends later called and informed Abiba that her child had been found in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region where she was arrested and brought back to the Elmina Police.

After police interrogation, Kukua was charged with the offence of child stealing and subsequently jailed.
Information gathered by DAILY GUIDE indicated that Kukua is married to a man who lives in Drobo in the Brong Ahafo Region. She informed the husband that she had given birth to a four-month-old baby and that he would see the baby when she returned to Drobo.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

CPP Tough On Bad Nuts

CPP Exec. being sworn in
CHAIRMAN OF the Convention Peoples’ Party (CPP), Ladi Nylander has said that after its delegates’ congress, the party will smoke out all individuals who do not want the party to be victorious in the 2012 general elections and beyond.
According to him, the party’s executives have identified some people whose activities, actions and ideologies do not tally with the objectives and vision of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the CPP in general.

He added that these people have also decided to tarnish the party’s hard won reputation as the most successful and peaceful political part in the political history of Ghana.

The CPP Chairman made this known on Saturday when Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) constituency executives of the party held their delegates’ congress to elect new executives to steer the party’s affairs in the area.

In his address, Mr. Nylander disclosed that the CPP had 1.5% votes in the 2008 elections because some greedy crooks within the party did not want it to come to power.

He added that through investigations, the party had been able to identify all the problems the CPP faced during the 2008 elections which contributed to its abysmal performance and noted the activities of some elements within the party caused their defeat.

In order to win the 2012 general elections, Mr. Nylander said the CPP has considered seven key points that would ensure success adding that grassroots members have been fully equipped to disseminate the party’s agenda to the masses to win over more sympathizers.

“Because of the seven-point policy that we have put on the board neither NDC nor NPP will come close to getting even 50 percent of the votes. By the time the Electoral Commission declares the results, CPP will be the winner, mark it on the wall,” he declared.

On his part, the CPP 2008 Presidential Candidate, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom revealed that “President John Evans Atta Mills has totally lost focus driving the nation on a rough road without considering the importance to move unto a better road.”

According to him, the economy is performing so badly that if Ghanaians do not have a change of mind and vote for the CPP, no government will take the nation to the Promised Land that Ghanaians desire.

Dr. Nduom noted that though 2012 will be a tough year for all political parties, Ghanaians have to reconsider the party that brought them independence.

He therefore appealed to all political parties and their supporters not to utter insults and create unnecessary tension during the 2012 campaign in order to guarantee a peaceful, free and fair election.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Elmina

CPP Needs Administrative Change For 2012

Samia addressing the new CPP Exec.
SAMIA NKRUMAH, daughter of Ghana’s First President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Member of Parliament (MP) for Jomoro in the Western Region, has said the Convention Peoples’ Party (CPP) needs a change in its administrative machinery to win the 2012 general elections.

She said the party’s administration set up is so weak that if the necessary mechanisms and strategies are not put in place, the CPP will continue to be in opposition, a situation she believes does not auger well for a party that gained independence for Ghana.

Ms. Nkrumah made this observation at Saltpond on Wednesday when CPP central regional executives held their delegates’ congress to elect new offices to run the party’s affairs in the area.

She noted that over the past 40 years, CPP has not been able to attain political power because of the selfish practices and ambitions of some party executives and members.

She said the CPP could have won the 2008 general election easily but due to selfishness on the part of some executives, most of them turned their backs on the CPP and voted for other parties.

The Jomoro MP is contesting against incumbent Ladi Nylander for the national chairmanship position of the CPP at the party’s   national delegates’ congress scheduled to take off in Tamale this year.

She appealed to the regional executives and delegates to vote for her since she has fresh blood which she will use to strengthen, energize and unite the party as one formidable front like her father had wished for.

“My father urged leaders of CPP to always unite and not depart from each other since it was the only way to win political power in every election. CPP, PNC and other Nkrumahists are divided. We need to bring them together as a family to win the 2012 elections. But what do we see now?” she asked.

“When you vote for me, you have voted for my father and the CPP as well as fulfilled one of the numerous dreams my father would have used to revitalize the CPP as the greatest political party in Ghana,” she added.

On his part, CPP Central Regional Chairman, Kwame Edu Ansah who has been elected for a second term, disclosed that the party is at a crucial point because of the numerous factions within it, adding that such developments will gradually destroy the party.

He therefore called for discipline amongst members saying if executives do not ensure discipline in the party and continue to act in an unacceptable manner, the CPP will not attract the many sympathizers it used get years ago.

Mr. Adu Ansah charged national executives of CPP to also unite as a family to fight for a common purpose which is to fulfill the dreams of Dr. Nkrumah.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Saltpond