Wednesday, August 3, 2011

CPP Needs Administrative Change For 2012

Samia addressing the new CPP Exec.
SAMIA NKRUMAH, daughter of Ghana’s First President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Member of Parliament (MP) for Jomoro in the Western Region, has said the Convention Peoples’ Party (CPP) needs a change in its administrative machinery to win the 2012 general elections.

She said the party’s administration set up is so weak that if the necessary mechanisms and strategies are not put in place, the CPP will continue to be in opposition, a situation she believes does not auger well for a party that gained independence for Ghana.

Ms. Nkrumah made this observation at Saltpond on Wednesday when CPP central regional executives held their delegates’ congress to elect new offices to run the party’s affairs in the area.

She noted that over the past 40 years, CPP has not been able to attain political power because of the selfish practices and ambitions of some party executives and members.

She said the CPP could have won the 2008 general election easily but due to selfishness on the part of some executives, most of them turned their backs on the CPP and voted for other parties.

The Jomoro MP is contesting against incumbent Ladi Nylander for the national chairmanship position of the CPP at the party’s   national delegates’ congress scheduled to take off in Tamale this year.

She appealed to the regional executives and delegates to vote for her since she has fresh blood which she will use to strengthen, energize and unite the party as one formidable front like her father had wished for.

“My father urged leaders of CPP to always unite and not depart from each other since it was the only way to win political power in every election. CPP, PNC and other Nkrumahists are divided. We need to bring them together as a family to win the 2012 elections. But what do we see now?” she asked.

“When you vote for me, you have voted for my father and the CPP as well as fulfilled one of the numerous dreams my father would have used to revitalize the CPP as the greatest political party in Ghana,” she added.

On his part, CPP Central Regional Chairman, Kwame Edu Ansah who has been elected for a second term, disclosed that the party is at a crucial point because of the numerous factions within it, adding that such developments will gradually destroy the party.

He therefore called for discipline amongst members saying if executives do not ensure discipline in the party and continue to act in an unacceptable manner, the CPP will not attract the many sympathizers it used get years ago.

Mr. Adu Ansah charged national executives of CPP to also unite as a family to fight for a common purpose which is to fulfill the dreams of Dr. Nkrumah.
From Desmond K. Dapaah, Saltpond

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