Friday, September 2, 2011

Galamsey Gang Busted

The 6 busted Galamsey gang as they bow in shame
SIX GALAMSEY operators who decided to mine in the Ochi River at Baifikrom near Mankessim in the Central Region have been arrested by the Central Regional Police Command.

The six, made up of five people from Prestea in the Western Region and Kobla Appiah, 38, from Baifikrom, had Nurudin Salifu as their gang leader.

Nurudin Salifu admitted being the leader of the group and the owner of the pit to be used for the galamsey operations in the town, during police interrogation.

The other suspects included John Addai, 40, December Nyamagbosi, 39, Daniel Nartey, 21 and Narh Anomi, 37.

Briefing DAILY GUIDE on Tuesday, the Central Regional Police Commander, DCOP Stephen Andoh Kwofie, disclosed that the team of galamsey operators were arrested by the Saltpond District Police Command upon a tipoff.

He stated that the Municipal Manager of the Ghana Water Company Limited, Isaac Essilfie, reported to the Saltpond police that some people were planning to illegally mine in the Ochi River, which served as a work station for the company.

According to DCOP Andoh Kwofie, the work station provided water to people in the Cape Coast Metropolis, Saltpond, Mankessim and other surrounding communities.

He hinted that his outfit quickly mounted a search to arrest the perpetuators and got to know during police investigations that the owner of the machine had sought permission from the Chief of Baifikrom, Nana Arhin, to operate there.

He said the police, upon arrival at the galamsey site, realised that the galamsey equipment had already been set up for work but there was no one around.

He added that the police then confiscated the equipment and brought them to the station, after which they mounted a search for the owner of the machines.

DCOP Andoh Kwofie added that the police contacted the chief, who assisted them to arrest the six.

After interrogation, the gang leader and owner of the galamsey equipment, Nurudin Salifu, admitted he had no licence to operate.

The DCOP noted that illegal mining activities were a contributing factor to floods in the Eastern Region, stressing that he would not allow such activities to occur in the Central region.

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