Monday, September 12, 2011

President Mills Promises Mega Dev’t In Cape Coast

President John Atta Mills has once again assured the people of Cape Coast that they will see many developmental projects next year.

According to him, although things were not easy when he assumed office, he was making frantic efforts to ensure that the people of Cape Coast experienced the ‘Better Ghana Agenda’ as he promised them during his 2008 campaign tour.

“I promised to give you any assistance that would help this area to develop since I am from this area and will never allow this area to be destroyed. Please exercise patience with me since I have a lot of good plans for Oguaaman,” he stated.

President Mills made the statement at this year’s Oguaa Fetu Afahye festival celebrated by the chiefs and people of Oguaa Traditional Area, over the weekend at the Jubilee Park in Cape Coast.

The festival, which was on the theme ‘Unity And Peace, A Tool For National Development”, attracted thousands of people drawn from all walks of lives.

President Mills stressed the need for Ghanaians to ensure unity in the country to promote effective development.

He noted that Ghanaians had only one country, hence the need to ensure unity and peace which the country had experienced over the years.

He charged Ghanaians to do the right things at the right time, citing other neighbouring countries who had not experienced peace for years due to post election violence and power sharing.

President Mills emphasised the need for Ghanaians to ensure an incident-free elections in 2012, adding that the electorate had the right to vote on that day and to go home peacefully without creating chaos and mayhem in the country.

He indicated that power was from God and not humans so whoever emerged victorious in the upcoming general elections were the plans destined by God.

He underscored the need for the elderly to inculcate truth and respect in the youth so that they could take up the mantle to manage the affairs of the country in future.

“What legacies are we leaving for our children? Is it our traditions or the importation of foreign cultures and practices which can destroy the future of the youth?” he asked.

The Paramount Chief of Oguaa Traditional Area, Osabarima Kwesi Atta II, commended President Mills for ensuring that the 30% allocation for students in the region into Senior High Schools (SHS) had been implemented.

Osabarima Atta hinted that plans were underway to construct a toilet facility near Anaafo market to boost tourism in the area.

“It’s very appalling when you see some residents defecating in a gutter near the market while tourist will be crossing to the Cape Coast Castle,” he said.

He therefore appealed to President Mills to ensure that proceeds from the castle allocated to the traditional council were paid on time to undertake more developmental projects in the area.

The Central Regional Minister, Comfort Ama Benyiwa Doe, said although her government had the plans of constructing the Cape Coast Sport Stadium, it could not give the exact date as to when the project would commence.

The Member of Parliament for Cape Coast, Ebow Barton-Odro, expressed concern about the way two schools in the metropolis had zero percent in the recent Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), calling on parents to invest in their children’s education.
He added that every nation’s development depended on its youth, hence the need to promote effective education in the country.

DAILY GUIDE observed that this year’s festival was very splendid as compared to the previous year’s, considering its organistaion.

It also noticed that this was the first time the traditional council assigned people to collect monies from individuals in the markets and offices to support the festival.

DAILY GUIDE can authoritatively state that this was also the first time that the traditional council was aiming to construct a toilet facility from the proceeds it would get from the festival.

It will be recalled that last year’s festival was nearly marred when security apparatus prevented the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) from going to greet the Paramount Chief, Osabarima Kwesi Atta, while he was also not recognised, a situation which created a lot of controversy in the country.
From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast

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