Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Pampers man Cleared"

Muntaka Mubarak
Former Youth and Sports Minister, Muntaka Mubarak has been exonerated of all charges levelled against him by some officials of the Ministry of Sports and the National Security.

The Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), after several months of thorough investigations into the Muntaka scandal exonerated him of all the charges levelled against him.

Citifmonline.com last week broke the news that CHRAJ had concluded its investigations into the Muntaka scandal and a report would soon be released.

The Muntaka scandal was first investigated by a National Security Committee on the orders of the President.

The findings of the National Security Committee largely exonerated the former Sports Minister although the Asawase Member of Parliament was faulted for having used his position to secure a German Visa for Edith Zunayela who was alleged to be his girl friend.

CHRAJ begun its probe after the Progressive Nationalist Forum (PNF), an Accra based non-governmental organisation (NGO) petitioned the Commission, to investigate the conduct of the former Youth and Sports Minister whilst in office.

PNF had made allegations of abuse of office and conflict of interest against the Asawase MP when he took office as Minister of Youth and Sports. The group further accused Hon. Muntaka of fraud, after he allegedly used false information to secure a German visa for his girlfriend, Ms Edith Zunayela, together with using the Ministry's resources to finance their trip to watch the CHAN tournament held in Cote d'Ivoire in 2009.

In a petition dated January 1st, 2010 and signed by its spokesperson, Richard Kwesi Nyamah, to CHRAJ, the PNF said Alhaji Muntaka had failed to produce receipt of US$10,000 he received from some government officials, upon his request to settle landing charges for the aircraft the locally based national team used for the CHAN tournament in neighbouring Ivory Coast.

However, after several months of thorough investigations and further scrutiny by the Chairman of the commission, CHRAJ came to the conclusion that there was not enough evidence to convict the former Sports Minister of any crime per the laws of the country.

Speaking to Citi News, Hon Muntaka Mubarak confirmed the news and expressed his appreciation for being exonerated after all the battering he had received.

He said a 30 paged report submitted to him by CHRAJ cleared him of all charges and allegations that were levelled against.

He however added that as a patriotic citizen, he is ready to take up any Ministerial position if considered by President Mills.

-Source Ghanaweb.com

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