Monday, December 20, 2010

Should The Human Rights Act Be Scrapped In Ghana?

Human Right Abuse Victim
The Human Rights Act [HRA], in simple terms, it is a ground-breaking piece of constitutional legislation as enshrined in the 1948 Convention on Human Rights, is a set of fundamental principles which include rights to life, rights to a family life, rights to privacy, education, freedom of expression, a fair trial and other provisions.

The HRA is an absolute term, but in some respects and some occasions, it is applied subjectively by the courts. Is there a logical sense since by definition, the HRA should be an objective absolute and hence require absolute laws on criminal justice?

Should the HRA do more to protect victims of crime and decent members of society than criminals?

All over the western world especially, there are daily outrageous ‘human rights’ claims hitting news headlines and one typical example is being played out in the UK as test case for the HRA now. According to the Daily Mail: “Mohammed Ibrahim [an Iraqi failed asylum seeker], knocked downed Amy Houston, 12, and fled the scene without getting her any help-leaving her trapped under the wheels.

He was driving while disqualified and after the little girl’s death he committed a string of further offense.”

But the HRA- which the Prime Minister, David Cameron had personally pledged to scrap-has allowed Ibrahim to win his fight in Britain. Ibrahim’s lawyers argued deporting him back to Iraq would breach Article 8 of the HRA, which guarantees his right to a private and family life.

This ruling has caused public outcry and now the government is under intense public pressure to scrap the HRA.

Even Government ministers have expressed exasperation at the interpretation of the Acts by the courts. Now, the government is committed to establishing a Commission during 2011 to investigate the creation of a UK Bill of Rights that protects and extends British liberties and responsibilities.

There is numerous stomach churning cases like: 200 drug-addicted prisoners brought a case against the UK’s Home Office for stopping them taking drugs in jail and won £3,500 each!

Another case is a claim by a man convicted of raping and murdering a 7-year old girl that the court should grant him the right to vote while in prison custody.

Today, serial killers, sadistic pedophiles, terrorists and armed robbers and some human rights lawyers have turned the HRA simply into a Charter for Criminals’ Rights which destroys all sense of fairness.

With Ghana’s increasing armed robbery, pedophilia, rape and murders, isn’t it time we, Ghanaians wake up to rethink our country’s human rights laws to suit our own socio cultural problems?

And what if the HRA should be replaced with Ghana’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities as being thought out in Britain? Express your opinions as your constitutional right!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baako’s Sexy Wife Pregnant

•Isha (left with knife) and friends at her birthday party
MALIK KWEKU Baako, aka Bombay, Editor-In-Chief of the New Crusading Guide, has once again impregnated the sexy beauty of Muslim descent he recently got married to, Isha Zuwera Baako.
Baako, in April 2009, got married to Isha, the love of his life and this is the second time he has impregnated his beautiful wife.

Isha, at private birthday party celebrated on the 27th of last month, was spotted with a protruding belly as she went round to welcome her guests.

A day after her birthday, Isha, in a message to her friends on facebook noted: “My birthday lunch was a success. Thanx 2 all my friends who wished me well and all dose who made it 2 de lunch. I luv u all. mwaaaahhhhhhhh...”

The pregnancy is now very noticeable, though close sources say it is barely three months old.

Bombay is also reported to have described the yet-to-be-born child as his ‘pension baby’, presupposing it would be the last time he would be impregnating the wife.

Bombay and Isha got married on April 12, 2009 at a two-tier wedding ceremony that saw an Islamic marriage ritual in the morning and then a secular high-profile dinner in Labone later on that evening.

In July 2008, Mr. Baako converted from Christianity to Islam and reports say the decision was largely influenced by his love for the spicy lady and his desire to marry her so they could live happily ever after.

Baako, during the ceremony, just could not take his eyes and hands off his bride. In a response to the toast, he confessed that he never thought he would ever get married and that the experience made him a bit tensed.

“Yes, just as Kwame (Sefa Kayi) has said I never thought I could get married and I am a bit tensed...this is a new experience but I am sure with your prayers and with the support of Allah I would succeed,” Baako had said.

For Isha, she said it had not ‘been easy grabbing’ a celebrated bachelor like Mr. Baako, who was known to have one eye for ‘the gals’ and the other for a glass of quality brandy, while sleeping with two eyes closed under the government of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), led by Mr. Kufuor, and sleeping with one eye opened under the government of Mr. Rawlings’.

Kweku Baako publicly announced that his name had changed to Malik Kweku Baako and that he had completely stopped drinking any alcoholic beverage, including his usual daily shots of brandy.

Close sources say the senior Editor cum publisher, since his conversion, has undergone a crash course in Islamic lessons and has become rather pious.

When news broke that Mr. Baako had converted to Islam, he explained: “My conversion to Islam is a private affair, not subject to public discourse.

However, I thank all those who have expressed positive vibes on the matter.  May Allah shower His blessings and mercies on all of them.”

Malik Baako is in his mid-50s and won the coveted Ghana Journalist of the Year award in 1999.

He describes himself as a ‘Political Animal’ and is the son of the late Kofi Baako, a Minister of State under the Kwame Nkrumah-led Convention people’s Party (CPP) government.

Though a member of the CPP, he has been a supporter of the NPP as well as a strong and persistent critic of the former first couple, Jerry John Rawlings and his wife, Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings.
-Source: NewsOne

MTN Sells Asset To US Company

Brett Goshen, CEO
MTN Group has sold 51 per cent of its telecom towers and base stations in Ghana to America Tower Corporation (ATC).
Sources close to the deal said the transaction involves the sale of up to 1,876 of MTN Ghana’s existing base station sites for an agreed purchase price of up to $428.3 million, of which ATC will pay about $218.5 million for the 51 per cent stake.

The remaining 49 per cent will be held by a private company to be called TowerCo Ghana, which will also be managed by ATC on behalf of MTN and the company.
MTN Ghana will therefore be the anchor tenant, on commercial terms, on each of the towers being purchased.

American Tower also expects that TowerCo Ghana will build at least an additional 400 sites for both MTN Ghana and other wireless operators in Ghana over the next five years.

A statement quoted MTN Group President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Phuthuma Nhleko as saying that “infrastructure sharing makes absolute sense for MTN and was a key aspect of the updated strategy outlined to MTN shareholders across operations.

He said MTN has in the recent past looked at various permutations to reduce their infrastructure roll-out costs as well as on-going cost of operating their passive infrastructure in their key markets, including Ghana.
“Because market conditions in each of the markets are unique, we have resolved to evaluate infrastructure sharing opportunities in a market by market basis.

“The Ghanaian market has presented us with an opportunity to partner with a leading independent global tower operator,” he said.

The statement also quoted ATC Chairman, President and CEO Jim Taiclet as saying “we are pleased to announce the launch of our operations in Ghana in partnership with MTN, Africa's largest mobile operator.”

“Creating an independent tower company in Ghana reflects the execution of our strategy to invest in selected African markets with strong wireless growth potential and a positive investment climate.”

Mr. Taiclet said as a partner, MTN's stature, vision and operational experience in Africa are highly complementary.

He noted: “ATC believes that combined with our tower leasing expertise, TowerCo Ghana is exceptionally well placed to maximize the market opportunity in Ghana.”

-Source-Daily Guide

Ghana FA on "Fire" - as EOCO smells tax evasion

GFA President
The Ghana Football Association on Tuesday received what they described Shock of their life when the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) raided their offices in search of documents to help them investigate important issues against the FA.

Mordey Akpadie, head of the EOCO told Joy News his office has reason to believe that the Ghana Football Association is in breach of the country’s tax laws.

EOCO Tuesday morning besieged the offices of the GFA with a court warrant and took away with nine Central Processing Units as well as files and other documents belonging to the FA to facilitate investigations into the alleged breaches of the country's laws.

The action has provoked widespread condemnation mainly from FA officials and people sympathetic to the FA, while a good number of others have expressed support for the action.

But the EOCO is unapologetic. According to Mordey Akpadie, their action is justified.

“We are a law enforcement agency. We work within the law. We don’t negotiate the law," he said.

He explained that the EOCO had since October 14, 2010 requested the FA to provide documentations to assist with investigations but the FA has been intransigent.

He was particularly bemused that the FA is not cooperating with investigations when even the Office of the President, the Ministry of Finance, Youth and Sports and other agencies of state are assisting the EOCO with investigations.

Asked what the EOCO is investigating, Mr. Akpadie said his outfit is investigating monies government has given the FA as well as reports of tax evasions.

He said EOCO has not accused anybody at the FA of corrupt practices but has “information which suggests that there have been breaches of Ghana’s laws, tax laws,” he stressed.

He hinted that his outfit will return the seized documents within 24 hours.

But Thadeous Sory, legal counsel for the FA, said the procedure adopted by the EOCO is unacceptable.

Whilst Mr Sory conceded that the EOCO does have the constitutional mandate to undertake investigations of such kind, he said the “factual basis, the surrounding circumstances and manner in which it exercised its mandate, there are manifest breaches of the rights of the FA.”

He dismissed assertions that the FA has not been cooperative with the EOCO saying the FA needs to know the specific investigation the EOCO is conducting in order to provide the appropriate information.

Thadeous Sory said they will ponder over the situation and take the appropriate line of action.

Meanwhile, ex-GFA boss Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe said the action by the EOCO is "shameful and embarrassing."

He said there is absolutely no justification for the action by the EOCO and warned of dire consequences if FIFA is alerted.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Konadu to boot Mills 2012 - as she lunches Website

In the face or what some political pundits describe as “dog bite dog” National Democratic Congress (NDC) ahead of its presidential primary, Friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings (FONKAR) – a political pressure group championing the purported presidential ambition of the former First Lady, has moved its campaign to higher pedestal.

This fresh move by the group, The Ghanaian Observer (GO) was told, is another clear indication that Mrs. Rawlings is contesting incumbent President John Evans Atta Mills when the Party finally opens nomination for its presidential primary to elect a candidate for the 2012 elections.

Employing high technology to propel her presidential ambition, FONKAR has officially started developing a comprehensive website for Mrs.Rawlings, which insiders believe would widely market and expose her to the local and international communities ahead of the 2012 general elections.

The website – www.fonkar-org, which is currently active, has a bold caption “Friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings (FONKAR)” with magnificent pictures of Mrs. Rawlings, costumed in yellowish Africa Kaba and a scarf calmly holding her waist with an attractive smile. Besides her pictures, the website – – has another caption “Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, The Presidential Candidate for 2012”, which presupposes that the former first lady has already won the party’s presidential primaries.

The website, which features the biography and 14 exclusive pictures of Mrs. Rawlings, has this quotation attributed to her, “My desire is to see the emancipation of women at every level of development to enable them to contribute and benefit from the socio-economic and political progress of the country.

Their participation will help o achieve the aims of the United Nations Declaration for Women; Equality, Development and Peace. Women’s vital role of promoting peace in the family, the country and the world at large must be acknowledged and to do this, they must be empowered politically to equip them adequately for the challenges of critically identifying and assessing situation for the betterment of the society.”

In June this year, the presidential ambition of Mrs. Rawlings was publicly displayed in Tamale at a rally to climax this year’s June 4 uprising celebration. Members of the Ashanti Regional branch of the June 4 Movement, wearing freshly printed T-Shirts and other paraphernalia, boldly displayed a banner with the inscription “Movement for Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings 2012 President; Ashanti Region”.

They cheered Mrs. Rawlings on her arrival at the Tamale Jubilee Park with the former first Lady, who was dressed in an all-white attire, waving back and smiling to the group, attracting louder cheers from the crowd that had converged on the grounds to be addressed by the party’s founder in commemoration of the 31st anniversary celebration of the June 4 uprising.

Recently, the Functional Executive Committee of the NDC issued a press statement signed by its National Chairman, Dr. Kwabena Adjei, stating that the party does not know anyone by the name Dela Coffie, who is the communications Director of FONKAR. The statement also said the Party would fish out and identify the likes of Dela Coffie and other executives of FONKAR and deal with them in accordance with the relevant provisions of the party’s constitution.

Following this, FONKAR also issued a strong worded press statement wondering what Dr. Kwabena Adjei means by “the party shall fish out the likes of Dela Coffie and deal with them in accordance with the relevant provisions of the party’s constitution”, questionng “how do you intend to fish out Dela Coffie? Is Dela Coffie hiding?

It continued that FONKAR wanted to state categorically that Dela Coffie is a card-bearing member of the NDC and a known youth activist who has never hidden his true identity.

The group also said “serious attempt have been made on the life of our Communication Director and we want to make it clear that if anything happens to Dela Coffie, FONKAR would hold Dr. Kwabena Adjei responsible.

We also wish to caution the leadership of the NDC to be wary of these intrigues and their dire consequences for the Party.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

FIFA Decides Ghana Fate

FIFA is expected to make a statement this week on the problems within the Zambian and Ghanaian FAs, the BBC has reported.

The world governing body has been investigating the two countries over alleged government interference in the administration of the game.

Officials in the two countries are bracing themselves for damning conclusions about what went wrong.

The report from Fifa could have a profound impact on the future of the two federations.

The power struggle in the Football Association of Zambian (FAZ) turned into a full blown crisis on Friday when a faction elected a new Executive Committee.

The group said the committee run by FAZ President Kalusha Bwalya is no longer in charge.

The turmoil in FAZ started last month when four officials resigned claiming they had issues with Bwalya’s leadership style.

This prompted the Sports Council of Zambia, a government body, to set up a committee to investigate FAZ.

But under Fifa rules, national football associations must not be subject to government control.

Ghana on the other hand is expected to escape with a slap on the wrist after government withdrew an order to impose Abedi Pele as a candidate for a vacant Caf post.

The Ghana FA chose its president Kwesi Nyantakyi three months ago to contest next year’s elections but sports minister wanted Abedi to vie for the post.

Sanity has now been restored after the government backed down on its request.
Similar actions by the governments in Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Kenya have resulted in bans from international football.

Fifa will examine a report from an independent investigator into issues of interference into the administration of Ghana football.

Excerpts of the report cited issues surrounding Ghana’s pre and post World Cup period where there were allegations and counter allegations over disbursement of funds.

It also cited government’s attempt to nominate former Black Stars captain Abedi Pele to the post of Caf Executive Committee member which the Ghana FA rightly declined and was later withdrawn.

Fifa normally upon awareness of internal and external wranglings in a member association, sends an independent officer to the troubled-area to get at first hand the veracity of all allegations.

He then presents a report to his superiors upon which a firm decision is taken per its recommendations.

Though it is very unlikely that Ghana would be banned by Fifa like it happened with Nigeria, there are signs that a stern warning would be issued which will lead to a subsequent ban if the matter resurfaces.
Source: BBC

"Pampers man Cleared"

Muntaka Mubarak
Former Youth and Sports Minister, Muntaka Mubarak has been exonerated of all charges levelled against him by some officials of the Ministry of Sports and the National Security.

The Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), after several months of thorough investigations into the Muntaka scandal exonerated him of all the charges levelled against him. last week broke the news that CHRAJ had concluded its investigations into the Muntaka scandal and a report would soon be released.

The Muntaka scandal was first investigated by a National Security Committee on the orders of the President.

The findings of the National Security Committee largely exonerated the former Sports Minister although the Asawase Member of Parliament was faulted for having used his position to secure a German Visa for Edith Zunayela who was alleged to be his girl friend.

CHRAJ begun its probe after the Progressive Nationalist Forum (PNF), an Accra based non-governmental organisation (NGO) petitioned the Commission, to investigate the conduct of the former Youth and Sports Minister whilst in office.

PNF had made allegations of abuse of office and conflict of interest against the Asawase MP when he took office as Minister of Youth and Sports. The group further accused Hon. Muntaka of fraud, after he allegedly used false information to secure a German visa for his girlfriend, Ms Edith Zunayela, together with using the Ministry's resources to finance their trip to watch the CHAN tournament held in Cote d'Ivoire in 2009.

In a petition dated January 1st, 2010 and signed by its spokesperson, Richard Kwesi Nyamah, to CHRAJ, the PNF said Alhaji Muntaka had failed to produce receipt of US$10,000 he received from some government officials, upon his request to settle landing charges for the aircraft the locally based national team used for the CHAN tournament in neighbouring Ivory Coast.

However, after several months of thorough investigations and further scrutiny by the Chairman of the commission, CHRAJ came to the conclusion that there was not enough evidence to convict the former Sports Minister of any crime per the laws of the country.

Speaking to Citi News, Hon Muntaka Mubarak confirmed the news and expressed his appreciation for being exonerated after all the battering he had received.

He said a 30 paged report submitted to him by CHRAJ cleared him of all charges and allegations that were levelled against.

He however added that as a patriotic citizen, he is ready to take up any Ministerial position if considered by President Mills.


A Founder Of A Party To Demonstrate Against H1N1

Ramon Akoto
THE FOUNDER and leader of United Love Party (ULP), Ramon Osei Akoto says he will stage a demonstration against government if it fails to withdraw the controversial H1N1 vaccines from the country.

Mr. Akoto who was speaking during a forum to educate the media about harmful effects of the vaccine was arrested a few weeks ago and granted self recognisant bail by the Central Regional police for circulating information to Cape Coast residents that the drug was poisonous.

The ULP leader who claimed to have been arrested at a market while using a Public Address System (PAS) says he is not afraid of government retaliation and will continue to tell the truth about the vaccine.

He added he would disseminate information to the public asking them to reject the vaccines which the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other developing partners are trying to use to reduce the population of Africans.

Mr. Akoto emphasised the need for government to recall vaccines in the country including TB, polio, measles, yellow fever, hepatitis, elephantiasis, malaria and heamophilus Influenza B vaccines.

He further charged government to halt the mass H1N1 vaccinations and assemble all security officers and medical personnel for lab test, adding the vaccine contained lead and other poisonous materials that could cause brain disorders.

“Are we going to sit there and see our police and military officers to go mad?” he asked.

The founder disclosed that most countries such as Japan and Holland have stopped administering the vaccine due to it poisonous nature.

He said the H1N1 vaccines together with other vaccines provided by the WHO contain thimerosal also known as mercury which causes harm to the human body.

He alleged that Bill Gates as well as other prominent people in the world are investing heavily in vaccines, food and fertilizers to reduce the world's population since they believe over population would overtake them in the years ahead.

Last week DAILY GUIDE published a report titled “Akoto blasts Mills” in which the ULP founder described President Mills as a murderer.

He claimed the president was aware of the harmful effects the H1N1 vaccines would have on Ghanaians but went ahead to approve the exercise.

He further urged people who have been vaccinated to sue government since their health is in danger. 

-Source Desmond K. Dapaah, Daily Guide Cape Coast

Fuel Shortage Bites Drivers On Rampage

Drivers queuing for fuel in Cape Coast
DRIVERS IN the country seem not to be finding things easy due to the frequent fuel shortage in the country after the assumption of office by the National Democratic Congress (NDC), notwithstanding the promises made in the 2008 general elections on fuel prices.

The fuel shortage has worsened in the Central Region as motorists, particularly commercial drivers, begun queuing at dawn at the limited filling stations with the essential commodity.

Some drivers who spoke to DAILY GUIDE yesterday said their aspiration to travel all the way from Winneba, Twifo Praso, Assin Fosu to Cape Coast to get fuel did not materialize as the situation was even worse in the metropolis.

The drivers, who did not understand why they had to go through such a hectic situation, lambasted the NDC government for failing to fulfill its campaign promises.

Some of the drivers who complained bitterly to DAILY GUIDE at the Pedu Total filling station said they had to come as early as 3:00am to queue to enable them get to work on time, while others complained bitterly about how the situation was making their businesses fall apart.

The frustrated drivers became more disappointed when their demand was not met as they were told they would be given only one gallon of fuel each, no matter the amount they wanted to buy.

This infuriated the drivers who refused to take the one gallon because they claimed they were going on long journeys, for which one gallon was not enough.

The Manager at the Total filling station at Bakaano, Richard Mensah said the station had 13,500 liters of fuel as at last Friday, but was sold out by Sunday.

From Takoradi, Emmanuel Opoku reports that commercial and private vehicle drivers in some parts of the western region and in the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis in particular have since last Friday been going through stress as they search for fuel, as the fuel shortage intensifies in some parts of the region, slowing down economic activities.

Some of the filling stations DAILY GUIDE visited in the Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis yesterday revealed that only diesel and kerosene were on sale as majority of the drivers. Particularly taxi drivers were seen moving from one fuel station to another in search of petrol.

The fuel stations DAILY GUIDE visited included the Total Filling station at the Takoradi Market Circle and at the Kwame Nkrumah round-about, Shell filling station near Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Takoradi, the Edzii Goil filling station, also at the Nkrumah round-about, Glory Oil at Shama and Total Filling station at Aboadze.

Some taxi drivers who spoke to DAILY GUIDE alleged that the country had been experiencing intermittent fuel shortage since the current government took over power and said the situation had brought untold hardships to them.

Unconfirmed report reaching DAILY GUIDE from Tarkwa has it that the commercial drivers in the municipality on Monday scrambled for fuel at the Total filling station, the only station that had the product in the area, while some of them also took advantage of the situation to charge abnormal fares.

At the Kwame Nkrumah round-about Goil filling station, the General Manager, Edzii confirmed the shortage of fuel in the metropolis and debunked the assertion that the fuel stations were hoarding the product in anticipation of an increase in petroleum prices by the government.

He said he did not know when the situation would be resolved and that until then, transport owners and drivers would only had to bear with the situation.

At Aboadze in the Shama District, commercial drivers and motor cycle owners were also seen moving from one fuel station to another with gallons in search of petrol.  

-Source Desmond Dapaah, Daily Guide Cape Coast