Monday, November 26, 2012


STRAIGHT TALK: Make Up your mind : FREE QUALITY EDUCATION OR JUST...: A Ghanaian casting his vote It just about two weeks for Ghanaians to go to the ballot box to elect a leader who is to take up the ne...


A Ghanaian casting his vote
It just about two weeks for Ghanaians to go to the ballot box to elect a leader who is to take up the next administration for the next 4 years.

Some people including me ha
ve already made our minds already for the future while first time voters and others have not yet decided.

What have you decided and who will you votes for. Keep it secrete because its your power to do and undo your God given future.
Make the right decision to elect a visionary leader who can develop our MOTHER GHANA. GHANA needs a visionary leader and you count.

Make your future decision NOW
Vote WISELY!!!!!!

Do not KILL for power but PRAY and ask God's BLESSING for a massive win in the 2012 election

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pensioners threaten demo

Sam P. Yalley -Pensions Regulatory Boss
Pensioners who recently retired from active service from various departmental offices under the Controller and Accountant General Department (CAGD) of the Central Region have vowed to stage a massive demonstration should government fail to pay their pension claims.

According to them, CAGD and Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) has for the past five months not paid their respective claims to enable them to cater for their families.

“We will not tolerate what the government and SSNIT are doing to us pensioners. This shows they do not respect us. Why should we suffer for Ghana’s development and later be treated as such” they said.

“We are in an election year and we need to make our concerns known so that, they will be addressed as quickly as possible because no one knows what will happen tomorrow” they added.

This, they said have created numerous problems for them, a situation the pensioners stated have led some financial institutions they lend monies from to run after them for their monies.

Dr. Frank Odoom- SSNIT Boss
The pensioners who stormed the office of Daily Guide in Cape Coast on Wednesday said, they have filed all the necessary documents required by the SSNIT yet they have not given their salaries.

A member of the group and former staff of CAGD in Cape Coast, who spoke on condition of anonymity lamented that, on July 20, 2012 he was directed by the Cape Coast office of SSNIT to fill some documents which he did but has since that time not received his claim.

He added that, he was also asked by the office to go to the headquarters of CAGD in Accra to push the documents, which he complied but he was asked to expect his claims in three weeks to no avail.

“I have walked in and out climbing this tall building several times just to take my pension claims and have still not received it. Why! Why! Is it a crime to go on pension? Look at an old man like me always climbing this building is this fair? he quizzed.

The former CAGD officer noted that, he returned to SSNIT office in Cape Coast early Tuesday morning to check for his claim only to be told his claim has not been released.  
From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast.

Aboah Cautions Parties Against Machomen

C/R Police Commander(L) in a chat with the Interior Minister (R)
The Interior Minister, William K. Aboah has advised political parties to refrain from hiring the services of ‘macho’ men to create mayhem at the various polling centers on December 7.

According to him, such act is unconstitutional and goes contrary to the election laws.

He noted that security officers at the polling centers would deal drastically with persons who disturb the peace in the country since ‘macho’ men have no stake in the elections.

“Democracy involves cross fertilization of ideas but not exchange of hostilities because of divergent ideological standpoints. Political parties should refrain from acts which may have the propensity to drive the country into any form of communal violence,” he said

The Minister made this known on Thursday at Cape Coast when he interacted with security officers in the region to familiarize himself with strategies of the regional security command to enforce law and order.

The minister, who was on a two-day working visit to the Central region, was accompanied by his deputy, Kobby Acheampong and other administrators from the interior ministry.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. Aboah stated that the government would resource all security agencies to improve service delivery without fear or favour.

He stated that Ghanaians had entrusted their hopes in the security services to ensure incident-free elections, a situation he said  would help promote impartiality and integrity to consolidate the democratic gains Ghana had chalked.

Mr. Aboah therefore appealed to them to ensure that their services commensurate with those of government to justify the investment by the tax payer.

The Interior Minister further advised political parties to warn their followers not to stay at the polling centers after casting their ballot.

“Anyone who goes to the polling centers to vote should go back home peacefully since our security operatives will not allow people to stay in the perimeters of the voting premises,” he stated.

Mr. Aboah however assured the security personnel of their full allowances before being deployed to their respective centers to protect the ballot boxes.

He further assured Ghanaians of free, fair and transparent elections, adding that since Ghana is well noted for its democratic practices, his outfit would do every thing possible to maintain the reputation of the country.
From: Desmond K. Dapaah, Cape Coast